About Me

Hello World!

I am a Full Stack Developer with expertise in both front-end and back-end technologies. I have a deep understanding of Node.js for server-side scripting and Go for system-level programming. My proficiency in these languages allows me to build efficient, scalable, and concurrent applications. I am adept at creating RESTful APIs with Node.js and Express.js, and I use Go for high-performance computing and microservices architecture. I am also skilled in front-end technologies like HTML, CSS, and JavaScript, and I have experience with React.js for building user interfaces. I am passionate about writing clean, efficient, and maintainable code. I am always eager to learn new technologies and improve my skills.

Beyond my professional life as a Full Stack Developer, I am an avid tech enthusiast who enjoys staying updated with the latest trends in the tech world. I love to explore new technologies and gadgets, and I often spend my free time contributing to open-source projects. I believe in the power of community and enjoy attending tech meetups and conferences to connect with like-minded individuals. I also have a passion for teaching and often mentor budding programmers, sharing my knowledge and experiences. When I'm not coding, you can find me reading a good book, hiking in the great outdoors, or playing my favorite sport, cricket.

My Resume

  • Education

  • B.Sc Maths

    M.L.V. Govt. College - Bhilwara

    I successfully completed my undergraduate degree with an impressive overall standing of 74.90%. Throughout my studies, I specialized in Mathematics and also had the opportunity to be a part of the National Cadet Corps (NCC) Army, which provided me with valuable experiences and skills. Additionally, I obtained a Microsoft student certification for my participation in MOS Training.

  • Full Stack Web Development Course - ZTM, Udemy

    I have completed a comprehensive Full Stack Web Development Course from Zero To Mastery (ZTM) on Udemy. This course provided me with a deep understanding of both front-end and back-end development, covering a wide range of technologies including HTML, CSS, JavaScript, React, Node.js, Express.js, and PostgreSQL. The course was hands-on and project-based, allowing me to apply the concepts learned in real-world scenarios. It also covered best practices and principles in web development, such as clean code, data structures, algorithms, and software design patterns. This course has significantly enhanced my web development skills and has equipped me with the knowledge to build robust, scalable, and efficient web applications.

Professional Services

Database Design

Designing efficient and scalable databases using SQL and NoSQL technologies.

API Development

Developing robust and secure RESTful APIs using Node.js and Express.js.

Performance Optimization

Optimizing application performance and efficiency through effective coding and architecture practices.

Backend Development

Building scalable and secure server-side applications using cutting-edge technologies like Go.

Cloud Integration

Integrating applications with cloud services for enhanced scalability and reliability.

Technical Support

Providing comprehensive technical support and guidance to ensure the smooth operation of your applications.


  • HTML5 95%
  • CSS3 95%
  • JavaScript 90%
  • React 90%
  • Node.js 85%
  • Express.js 85%
  • Go 80%
  • Git & GitHub 90%
  • SQL 80%
  • NoSQL 80%


Hoicko Pvt. Ltd, Udaipur, Raj — Associate Developer Node

April 2023 - PRESENT

  • Solarbees Analytical Real-Time App (NestJS): At Hoicko I developed Solarbees App backend which is an analytical real-time report generation, which aims at providing insights about renewable energy generated from solar panels. I used QuestDB as a database which is a time series database particularly created for analytical queries.
  • Automation & Workflows (Go lang): I have implemented several automations in Hoicko App like sending a communication mail if certain stage changes in status column. I also worked on workflows which is an essential part of Hoicko that helps organization with easy management and process approval.
  • Authorization Objects (NestJS): I have worked on Authorization objects for Hoicko which are grouped in profiles that are entered in the user record.
  • Digital Signature (NodeJS): Signing pdf with cryptographic signature is what I found most interesting and it helps users and organizations to sign their documents as needed.
  • Hoicko Widgets (Nest JS): Hoicko Widgets lets you create widgets on boards and let you analyze data easily. I have implemented some new features like filters in widgets, similar color values as boards in widget values.

Let's Work Together!

Interested in hiring me for your project or just want to say hi? You can fill in the contact form or send me an email to .

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